The Goldman Group
The Goldman Group understands and has participated in the history of modern communications: three decades ago, three television stations, a local and a couple of national newspapers distributed the news. Two decades ago, cable news stations competed with each other to be the first on the air with breaking news. Last decade, the traditional news outlets struggled with their online existence (free news, fee based, etc.). Now, in addition to every traditional media outlet (TV, radio and newspapers) online, we have access to bloggers, tweets sending tweets, Yelp! opinions and Facebook status updates. The messages delivered in all of these mediums can affect a company’s bottom line. The Goldman Group helps make this effect a positive one. The Goldman Group relies on clear goals and solid strategies to execute tactics for a successful outcome. The Goldman Group offers the following capabilities: Produce and implement communications plans. Build and perform reputation enhancement and management strategies. Create and execute grassroots campaigns. Develop and conduct legislative strategies.
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